src/App/Resources/views/dashboard/settings/base.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends '@ui2022/schoolnow/page.html.twig' %}
  2. {# TODO: REMOVE - style for basic hc header #}
  3. {% do dom_html_attr_set_class('hc-header') %}
  4. {% do dom_styles([
  5.     '',
  6.     '/hc/css/custom.css',
  7. ]) %}
  8. {% do include('@ProductsSchoolNow/_assets.html.twig') %}
  9. {% do include('@ProductsSchoolNow/_assets_tracking.html.twig') %}
  10. {% block main_classes -%}
  11.     uilib
  12. {%- endblock %}
  13. {% block content_classes -%}
  14.     content__area--uilib
  15. {%- endblock %}
  16. {% block topbar %}
  17.     {% include 'topbar.html.twig' with {
  18.         avatar: (app.user.systemProfile.hasAvatar)
  19.         ? s3_entity(app.user, '/avatar/thumb')
  20.         : null,
  21.         displayName: app.user.displayName
  22.     } %}
  23. {% endblock %}
  24. {% block navbar %}
  25.     {% include '@App/dashboard/settings/navbar.html.twig' %}
  26. {% endblock %}
  27. {% block modals %}
  28.     {{ parent() }}
  29.     {% embed '@ui2022/schoolnow/modal--sidepanel.html.twig' with {
  30.         attr: {
  31.             id: 'topbar-help',
  32.             class: 'sidepanel--help',
  33.         },
  34.     } %}
  35.     {% endembed %}
  36.     {% embed '@ui2022/schoolnow/modal--sidepanel.html.twig' with {
  37.         attr: {
  38.             id: 'sidepanel-setting',
  39.             class: 'setting-sidepanel',
  40.         },
  41.     } %}
  42.         {% block header %}
  43.             {% include '@ui2022/schoolnow/topbar__menu_user_header.html.twig' with { account: app.user } %}
  44.         {% endblock %}
  45.         {% block content %}
  46.             {% include '@App/dashboard/settings/navbar.html.twig'  with { topMenu: true } %}
  47.         {% endblock %}
  48.     {% endembed %}
  49.     <script type="text/javascript">
  50.         (function (window, document, $, undefined) {
  51.             $(function () {
  52.                 $('#topbar-help').on('show.cs.sidepanel', function (e) {
  53.                     $('#topbar-help .sidepanel__content')
  54.                         .html('<iframe width="100%" src="{{- -}}&slug={{- cms.tenant.slug -}}"></iframe>')
  55.                     ;
  56.                 });
  57.             });
  58.         })(window, document, jQuery);
  59.     </script>
  60. {% endblock %}